VALE: Shelley May

VALE: Shelley May

Good morning to all friends, relatives and colleagues of Shelley.  It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that dear Shelley passed away this morning (May 24) in Bethshan Aged Care at Wyee.  A few weeks ago, she sustained another fall and broke her hip, which resulted in a partial hip replacement operation, from which she has never really recovered. She has spent all of her time since then in bed and in pain, so I feel it is a happy release for her. I have not been able to visit too much recently due to Covid restrictions and having to isolate, but I did finally manage to see her a few days ago and I was sad to see the decline both in her health and in her spirits.  However, I was glad to have a reasonable conversation with her and see her smile. Will we ever forget the wonderful talents of this amazing lady, who gave her life to show business and who never forgot she was a lady of style and dignity? Rest in peace my dear friend…. always remembered with love.   From Toni Stevens
What happened at the ALVA AGM 2022?

What happened at the ALVA AGM 2022?

I am glad you asked!!!

It was a wonderful day with 48 members and guests booked in to hear all the latest news about how ALVA has been helping others over the last two years.

As I arrived, the busy bees of ALVA were madly finishing the preparations. I was greeted by Honorary ALVA Junior Member Ruby Turner-Carroll (the daughter of ALVA Committee Member Monique Montez). I have always found Ruby to be quite remarkable. For someone who is so young, she takes her role at ALVA very seriously. She was dressed for success, with a hat that she decorated herself, ready to hand out chocolate easter treats, and greet our guests with a smile. It was not surprising to find out that she is the school captain of her Primary School. 

Our day began with the 2021 President, Susie Smither, welcoming our guests to The Lantern Club and the ALVA AGM. This was followed by Treasurer Pat Scroope, explaining the financial report for 2021. Our outgoing President, Susie Smither, began her report by recapping the events of the last TWO years. It was amazing to be reminded of how we handled the “lockdown years”. Online trivia events, member meetings, committee meetings, AGM’s and catch ups. Susie did remind us of the folks that have passed away over the last two years. For me, this was the most heart breaking list. I would like to take the opportunity to share it with you. 

VALE: Sandra Forster, Tabbi Francis, Claire Franey, Jeanie Little, Bill Cate, Rocky Thomas, Dick Buchanan, Rob E Thomas, Chris Murphy, Trisha Noble, Barney Coomes, Bobby Dennis, AMy Godden, Patricia Flanaghan, Doug Parkinson, Michael Gudinsky, Glenn Wheatley, John Cornell, Carla Zampatti, Meatloaf, Lee, Young, Bert Newton, Brian Henderson, Lorrae Desmond, Dieter Brummer, David Gulpilil and most recently Shane Warne. 

During general business, before the election of the 2022 committee, Di Georgeson relayed a message from ALVA Life Member Tammy Lind. Tammy hasn’t been well of late and she wanted to remind us of a few things. 

Tammy Lind: “ALVA Is the most wonderful organisation ever, it’s the best of the best organisations. It’s the best committee and I don’t want anything to change. Hugs and Kisses to everyone. I am putting my best foot forward and I want to send you all my love.”

It was at that time that Gayle Wakeling-Taylor (wearing tights that Tabbi had handed down to Gayle), began collecting money from those members who didn’t wear their badges (a role that we have missed since Tabbi’s passing).  Lisa Crouch was invited to report on her double knee replacement which was post 6 weeks. A number of the members had lots of questions for Lisa once lunch was served. Susie told us about John Charter’s new book adventure, which she has termed, “not only a great read but a great history of Rock n Roll”. (If you are interested in getting your copy, you will need to contact John Charter).

Susie made a special announcement thanks to Dale Selsby and t

he Banktown Theatre Company. Between our two lockdowns, the Bankstown Theatre Company contacted ALVA with a fundraising opportunity. There were going to run a fundraising night, offering all the proceeds to one performance of “You Can’t Take It With You”. We were all ready to go, but unfortunately, the day before our launch to the public, we all went back into lockdown. However, Dale contacted us yesterday, offering ALVA all the proceeds from their raffles for 2022. We were so shocked and we are very grateful for the generous offer. 

After such wonderful news, it was time for the election and I am very pleased to announce the 2022 Committee: 

Senior Executive Positions:

  • President – Susie Smither Seconded: Lisa Crouch 
  • Vice President – Lisa Crouch
  • Treasurer – Pat Scroope
  • Secretary – Kerri Lacey

Committee Members: 

  • Kaye Coleman (Public Relations Officer as voted by committee) 
  • Shirley McDonald
  • Karen Beckett 
  • Di Georgeson 
  • Monique Montez 
  • Gayle Wakeling-Taylor 
  • Kathy Watson (Public Officer as voted by the committee)

Once our meeting was over and we finished our lunch, we launched into our tribute to ALVA stalwart, Tabbi Francis. Toni Stevens shared with us her speech (which she was unable to deliver due to the fact that Tabbi passed away just as covid hit our shores).  Below is a copy of that speech for those who were not there. 

Toni Stevens: To describe Tabbi Francis as eccentric would have to be the under statement of the year! Tabbi was one of a kind – a total overkill in both her dress and mannerisms. I’d go to a function thinking “I wonder what Tabbi will wear tonight”. She never ceased to impress and stand out with her cosmopolitan style, completely colour co-ordinated and her sparkly “something”. Her ever welcoming “hello darling” would make any stranger feel either very much at home or wonder whatever they’d gotten themselves into. I believe I net Tabbi for the first time with the onset of ALVA. She wasn’t on the first committee, but always seemed to be there when she was needed. If asked to take on a task, she carried it out 110%. I remember, on several occasions, her being in my living room with me, still in my pyjamas, after a day of ALVA phone calls and, of course, she became an integral part of the ALVA Committee for many years. Tabby was born, Marguerite, on 29th April 1926, to Lil and Dic Tabersham of Walthamstow, near London. She started dancing classes at age 3 and in future years, beca

me very well known for her comedic dancing. In 1939, when WWII was declared, Tabbi became one of 600 000 children, mothers and expectant mothers who were evacuated. At age 16, Tabbi was employed for 9 months as a copyholder. She was living in Chingford at the time, but she continued to pursue her dancing and won many prizes and certificates at Greater London Festivals. She developed her solo dancing in three areas – character, tap and comedy – comedy being the one she grew to specialize in. She left her position as a copyholder to join the West End Pantomime “mother Goose”. After a couple of pantomimes and tours of Great Britian, Tabbi joined the ranks of ENSA (Entertainment for HM Forces) with her dancing partner, Patricia Banks. They formed a duo called “The High Spots”. In 1946, intertaional travel took her to many destinations including the Middle East, Europe, India, Malaya, Burma and Hong Kong. She entertained airborne troops where she was described as the most popular the troops had ever seen. In 1947, Marguerite returned to England in time to celebrate he

r 21st birthday. In 1949, Tabbi met Geoff Mack, her future husband and lifetime partner. They met in Garmisch, Germany and by 1950 she joined Geoff, in Munich, in a European Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Branch show before travelling to the US. Geoff and Tabbi ( as she was fondly known), became engaged in Denmark in 1952 and were married in London on 5th December 1953. They travelled by motorcycle and ship, 13 000 miles to arrive in Australia in time for Boxing Day 1953. Many of you know so many stories of life with the Mack’s in Australia. Carol’s Varieties being a huge beginning for what was to be a colourful career in show biz where they were both highly respected and loved. She was one of the founding members of the Ballet of a Thousand Years, featuring many “mature’ hoofers, most from the old Tivoli Days. The final years of their lives were spent in Qld on the Gold Coast with their niece, Jan and her husband Leo. They were love and adored. Jan said that it was such a privilege and honour to be able to spend their final time with them. The last few weeks of Tabbi’s life were spent in a local hospice. it was there she passed with absolute dignity. Form the time I met Tabbi we had a running joke between us, with her surname being Tabersham and my real name being Christine. I remember, towards the end, when she was quite frail and a bit forgetful, I called her and Jan answers the phone. Jan told Tabbi it was Toni Stevens, and the response was “who?”. But as soo as I said “hello Tabersham”, the immediate reply was “is that young Christine”. I felt that the bond between us was still there, albeit for a short time. Dear Tabbi passed away on the 18th February 2020. Tabbi was one in a

million and those who  knew her will never forget her bubbly personality and effervescent character. Long may her memory be with us. 

Roxanne Paladin-Keily also shared with us her memories of meeting Tabbi, giving us a little insight into her relationship with Tabbi and Geoff. Roxanne had the chance to work closely with Tabbi and Geoff, particularly with the Pantomime tours. There are some wonderful photos that Roxanne has shared with us included in the photo album “VALE Tabbi Francis”. 

As per usual, the day ended with the lucky door draw, the announcement of the winner of “Guess Shirley’s Balls” and of course, the raffle. Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to Klara Kaye for donating a wonderful holiday package – Accommodation at the Nelson Bay Breeze for 4 adults and a 3 hour Whale Watching Cruise for 2 adults. What a first prize!!!

We were sorry to hear that you couldn’t join us, but I hope my report gives you a little insight into what you missed. We are hoping you can join us for the 43rd Banquet.

Wishing you all the best and please stay safe. 

Kerri Lacey (ALVA Secretary 2022). 


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VALE: Adele Baker

VALE: Adele Baker

Hi Everyone,
I had a call this afternoon from my friend Maree Montgomery to advise of the sad news of the passing of Adele Baker. Adele was not a member of ALVA, but has many friends who are.   She had always been a follower of Triple Treat and also what I was doing in my fashion career. As she lived for some time in The Shire, she would often call to let me know of fashion events in the area and just to catch up with the latest gossip and goings on.
To connect to dots for you all reading this email, I met Maree Montogmery at the very start of my modelling career at a rehearsal for a runway show that Debbie Graham had choreographed. So there’s the connection and I am still firm friends with Maree and Miss Deb – both being connected with Adele.
Message from Maree Montgomery:
“Hi Susie, Adele passed away Tuesday night 14th July in her sleep after suffering a heart attack.
Adele has not been in good health at all over the past 20 years.
We are all shocked and saddened by this news as she had a great passion for life and all her friends.
Many thanks for sharing these details.
Maree Montgomery”
Adele Baker’s Funeral
  • Wednesday  22nd July, 2020
  • 11.15 am
  • Northern Suburbs Crematorium 
  • 199 Delhi Road, North Ryde
As there are now limited numbers up to 35 people because of pandemic, if you would like to attend please ring or text Adele’s daughter
Taya Fabijanic
0423 589 662  / 
Thank you everyone and please do make sure you contact Taya if you are attending.
Love and light,
Susie x
VALE: Tabbi Francis

VALE: Tabbi Francis

VALE: Tabbi Francis (18 February 2020)

Sadly, another much-loved member of Australia’s wonderful entertainment history has passed. Tabbi Francis, adored wife of Geoff (Tangletongue) Mack died yesterday morning, aged 94.

What can we say about this incredible Woman in Entertainment?

Tabbi Francis was a very attractive, flamboyant English dancer when she met and fell in love with Geoff in the early 1950’s in England. They married in 1953 and subsequently moved back to Geoff’s native Australia not long after (transported most of the way from England to their new home in Sydney via Perth as a pillion passenger of Geoff’s motorbike), where they continued their variety show and created and co-owned (with Lucky Grills) the “Carols Variety Show”, a tent show that travelled all over Australia. Along with being in Carols Variety, she was also in demand as a performer in her own right – she was an accomplished comedian, singer and of course a superb dancer, with pantomime being a particular specialty.

We all have our own Tabbi stories and I would guarantee that they are all hilarious.  She was a stalwart supporter of ALVA from the very beginning as well as an extremely long standing member of many ALVA Committees. Many of you have shared your stories on social media and to each other and they are countless. Her career spanned 5 decades, awards, performances, travel and friends. Soul mate to her Boyfriend they were married for 67 years wow!  She was a special supporter to me personally right from the days I just turned up at rehearsals for ALVA Balls and did the gig without any knowledge of how 500 people made it to the Wentworth Hotel, put on a show with a huge big band. Well all that was to come for me, but along the way Miss Tabersham remained a constant friend. Right up to the last time I visited her at the home of niece Jan on the Gold Coast I was greeted with her usual – Well Helloooo Miss Smithers! 

Much has been written about Tabbi’s career and life with Geoff. I would just like to say here – we loved her so much, we miss her terribly and there will never be another like her.

To quote her final sign off on all our voicemail messages –  Love, Tabbeee !

Without exception, Tabbi is remembered by all who had the privilege to meet her as being impossibly beautiful both physically and in spirit, kind, outrageous, funny, dear, stylish, a wonderful friend, and a devoted and loving partner to Geoff, whom she referred to as “the boyfriend”.  

May she Rest in Peace with her Boyfriend, in her sparkly tights, glamourous hat, fried egg earrings and the Mickey Finn ring! 

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VALE: Sandra Forster

VALE: Sandra Forster

Dear ALVA Members, These posts are always incredibly difficult for us. Below is an email sent to us from ALVA Life Member Helen Zerefos. Helen was the one who introduced us to Sandra and the wonderful work she was doing in the are of Ageing and Alzheimer Research. Sandra was the one who then introduced us all to Tony Broe. We have many memorable moments, particularly her passionate speeches at the ALVA Christmas Party. Thank you to Helen for letting us know.

It is with great sadness that I write that my beautiful friend Sandra Forster passed away today surrounded by her loving husband Chris and family.  Sandra recently went to hospital on another matter and was diagnosed with end stage cancer – she was 72.

Sandra loved being an Associate Member of ALVA and  was always grateful for ALVA’s important and ongoing support for Ageing and Alzheimer Research.  I have attached some happy snaps of Sandra at ALVA functions…

Sandra was Executive Officer of the Ageing Research Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital and Personal Assistant to Professor Tony Broe.   Professor Broe set up Health Services in Neurosciences, Aged Care, Community Health & Aboriginal Health. Professor Broe is also Conjoint Professor of Geriatric Medicine of UNSW.   With love,  Helen


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ALVA September Spring Luncheon

ALVA September Spring Luncheon

Monday 23rd September 2019

Arrival: 10.30am for 11am meeting (Friends & Associates may arrive at Noon)

Moore Park Golf Club

Cleveland St, Moore Park NSW 2021 

Special Guest: Nancye Hayes AM

We are thrilled to have Nancye Hayes AM join us for our last luncheon event of ALVA’s 40th Birthday year!  Australia’s icon of music theatre and all round entertainer, Nancye has delighted audiences for decades and continues to do so with her inimitable enthusiasm, energy and style. Opening her latest one woman show Hayes@The Hayes from October 2, Nancye has taken time out of rehearsals to join us and celebrate our 40th Birthday. We look forward to seeing all of our Members, Guests & ALVA Blokes as we chat to Nancye, in what is guaranteed to be a show stopping afternoon. 

EARLY BIRD: $45 (Closes Midnight 18th September 2019)

FULL PRICE: $55 ( Starts 19th September 2019)

Delicious buffet lunch, Tea & Coffee, Cash Bar service available. Dress Spring time 

If you have a DIETARY REQUIREMENT, please make sure you submit the booking form. 

Click to Buy Now 

ONLINE: Click the link to request a booking:

BY PHONE:    LISA: 0414 591 020 or SUSIE : 0412 038 950